hi there, i'm fran and i'm the webmaster/mistress/thing of this site. i had a whole spiel about this actual site on the homepage, so i'm not gonna go too much into that again.

i'm a mediocre and eccentric teenager who enjoys the finer things in life: perfume, web design, and things that look nice. as seemingly shallow as i seem, i do in fact think sometimes. i, like pretty much every teenager, struggle to find an identity and a place in the complicated thing that is society!!! but, i like to just settle on the fact i'm chill and i like some things. the rest i'll figure out later.

of course, i love computers and technology and the internet and blahabkaewvoueuygdfguy but i also apparently like other things. if i wasn't annoying enough, i'm a band fanatic. i play the flute and i also want to be a tubist desperately. i take interest in things everyone makes fun of everyone for liking, like fashion, makeup, and games and such. as mentioned before, i'm very Normal about perfume as well. i was super into fandom and such for most of my developmental years and kinda am but also not still. i'm a very ambigiously interested enjoyer of things. my pasttimes include listening to music, rotting in bed, drawing, reading and editing wikipedia articles, and talking to friends.

i hate talking about my pathology, but as you can tell, i'm a pretty weird thing. i have mental illness of various varieties here and there as well as having a place on the spectrum. i'm officially considered "intellectually gifted" but also i'm painfully socially inadequate, but i'm alive and not really struggling so i'll consider that a W. i also used to be super into typology and that stuff; last i checked, i'm an INTP 5w4 melchol.

i'm not good at talking about myself, but also it's not like it matters. after all, this is my site -.o in the end, i'm talking at the void that is the endless expanse of the internet. the focus here isn't to make the biggest impact ever and cure cancer, but to make of whatever i have going on and have a good time while i'm at it. i hope you have a good time here, and a good rest of your life :p