i am a true lover of old internet aesthetics and the freedom/individuality it cultivated. although i didn't experience it myself, i admire the beauty of personal sites and want to keep the culture alive as much as i can. there's no short and neat way to describe my site, it's just a canvas for my odd workings. this also obviously serves as practice for my coding skills.
i think this is the 5th iteration of this site. i honestly find it so odd to think about that. the last iteration was probably the most "flourished" it has been, but also the most... jank it has been. this time around, i aim to have more cohesive, responsive code behind the scenes. as such, things will probably be slow for a long while. all that aside... i am a student and i won't be able to make this site a priority. however, like i have mentioned on previous versions of this home page... i will always come back eventually :)

➵ shrines/infodump!
musicals: 1776, hamilton, bloody bloody andrew jackson
the elder scrolls
marching band
➵ microblog
➵ song reviews
need 2
good looking
vampire empire
i bet on losing dogs
+ more
➵ perfume page
➵ fashion/lookbook/makeup page??